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Breaking the Vicious Cycle book

I bought this book and started the diet last night. I'll keep everyone informed of my progress. I feel very good about this diet. Last night i had a big ribeye steak with a fried egg and salad with vinegar and oil. Woke up feeling good! I missed the bread which is not allowed. The diet cuts out all carbs and refined sugars.
Roast tonight with mushrooms and carrots. I feel good today :) i have not eaten any carbs, barleys or dairy products in two days other than the egg which is allowed. I bought almond flour and making rolls tonight to eat with the roast.

Lady Organic

Staff member
im on it right now, but eat minimal animal/fish protein. alot of meat is not good for the colon. I eat my main source of protein out of raw almond butter. I eat a jar every 3 days or so...
It didn't. That diet is insanely ridiculous
Lots of people are saying at SCD or GAPs helped or in some cases cured them.

I found all the legal / illegal very confusing to remember. Although some of the ideas I have implemented.

There is a good Facebook group for SCD
im on it right now, but eat minimal animal/fish protein. alot of meat is not good for the colon. I eat my main source of protein out of raw almond butter. I eat a jar every 3 days or so...
Too much copper and phytic acid in almond butter in those quantities. Also, the diet Elaine recommends in that book is not very healthy or even safe long term to follow. I was diagnosed with Crohn's over a decade ago, and it was pretty nasty. Now I don't taking any meds but follow a diet with a vast amount of cooked vegetables, some animal protein daily, and no sugar/ natural sugar (fruit, honey, etc)!

Here are more of my thoughts on that book: http://healingcrohnsdisease.com/breaking-vicious-cycle-review-intestinal-health-diet-book/ Anyone with questions I would love to give a few pointers to.